Saturday, 27 April 2019

one through nine


i relapsed

i needed
to feel

i had
to follow
my mind

i tried
but i
messed up
and hurt myself

im sorry
that i
cannot say
but i relapsed

i can
only think
about how
i hurt
my body
and progress

i don't
know how
to think of
anything but
how i
made myself

i need
to do
but sit
here and
think about
how i
hurt myself

Thursday, 25 April 2019


i don't know why
but falling in love
with a boy
seemed to be alot scarier
than falling in love with a girl

i thought that people
wouldn't believe me
when i said i 
fell in love with a boy

or they wouldn't believe
me when i said
that i could still
fall in love with 
a girl

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

the fuel that lights the dying fire

i think about death alot
not in a suicide way
okay sometimes in a suicide way
but more of a i could die today way
a what if me leaving the house at this exact second is the reason i die today way
in a what if i leave the house and never return without saying goodbye way
in a i dont know when im going to die and that unknown scares me way

i like the idea that everyone gets one thing
one thing not being a trait about them but instead one instance where death was a very real option

for my mum and uncles it was when they were younger and their house caught on fire
everyone was fine, but if it wasnt for the family dog then both my uncles probably would have died
as a kid fire crippled me

i used to be unable to sleep in my own bed and i had nightmares every night that the house would alight
i used to have a bag packed, when the fire alarm went off i ran outside, covered my ears and cried until it stopped

a few years ago i accidentally set my hair alight on a candle and at that moment i thought i was going to die
for the first time in a nonsuicide way

but i had a second moment
this time in a suicide way
i was crying in the bathroom with the pills in my mouth
new cuts bleeding out
and i thought that was it

maybe that fuelled the fire
that burns inside
and the fear that i will die
that i'm not sure is a fear
but more a worry that i'll die and
never be able to explain the scars
the years of self harm
and the decade of sadness
that i've fought long enough to 
be alive

Sunday, 21 April 2019


i will never forgive myself
for giving myself 
the scars
that i used
to turn myself into a tiger
so i could try to
let out another

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

when breathing feels impossible

i wonder
if everything
will ever
get better

right now
i'm not
so sure
it can


i hope one day
my body will
forgive me

for hurting it
for destroying it
for hating it

i hope one day
i will forgive
my body

for trying
to make myself

Monday, 15 April 2019

how to breathe and see the sun

they say its like drowning
but how can depression be drowning
when my lungs do not fill with water
when i can still breathe
and i know why

maybe its more like a forcefield
thats stopping me from moving forward
when i can see the sunshine
that i cannot get to
and i don't know why


don't know
to be free
these chains
pulling me

Thursday, 11 April 2019


i still don't know
what to call
this next chapter
this next life
this next adventure

as i still don't know
where it's going to go


i tried
to have all
the right

but i
didn't really know
what to

Monday, 1 April 2019

day one

day one. it doesn't get harder than day one. the flooding realisation that you're back here, after trying so hard. day one. when it ...